Archive for Weight loss

7 Days Later on the Dukan Diet – Stats

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on August 23, 2011 by Dobsessed

Starting weight: 83.8kg (184.4lbs)

Today’s weight: 80.9g (178 lbs)

Total weight loss: 2.9kg

Measurements  Starting Measurements in Orange in inches

Bust: 38.0 ~ 39.0 – 1 inch gain – I don’t understand how that happens??

Waist: 32.5 ~ 31.5 – 1 inch loss

Fullest part of bottom: 45.5 ~ 45.0 – half an inch loss

Bicep: 14.0 ~ 14.0 – no change

Upper Thigh: 28.5 ~ 28.0 0 half an inch loss

Not a bad result after one week hey? I don’t know how this week will go.  I’ve got 4 day weekend coming up in Paris.  I beg you to tell me how I am supposed to resist cheese, baguette, croissants (my favourite are almond croissants), macarons, chocolates…?

Day 37 on the Dukan Diet and a rant

Posted in Diet Blog, Dukan Diet with tags , , , on August 31, 2010 by Dobsessed

Today’s weight: 70

Weight loss since starting Dukan: 6.5kg

Total overall weight loss since June: 10kg

So, you may or may not have noticed that I didn’t post what I ate yesterday…I was hiding, you see. Very ashamed of what I ate yesterday…but the reason why I started this blog is to keep me accountable. That means, no hiding…total accountability of what I eat…when I fail, when I’m bad…not just to show successes. So, here goes.

I had 4 Skinny Cow ice-cream blocks, 1 Skinny Cow Sundae and a Bulla Caramel sundae (250+ calories in ONE cup) yesterday. Pretty appalling. There’s now no more Skinny Cows in my house…and hopefully I stop becoming a FAT Cow.

I didn’t put on weight…lost 0.5kg since yesterday actually, but it’s as I first summarized, I was carrying a lot of water weight and I probably just got rid of it after having a PP (+ skinny cow) day yesterday.

I’m on a PV day today, so I guess I’ll probably put on some weight tomorrow…but if I stick with Dukan’s regime strictly for the rest of the week…I’m fairly confident I can get below 70 this week. I’m still sick, but I might even see if I can go for a slow stroll today.

I can’t wait till I lose a total of 10kg on the Dukan, when I get there, I’ll post a before/after pic!

Oh…and on another note. This morning, when I read How Stuff Works, Marshall Brain’s Dukan blog, a comment someone made, made me really cross. Someone commented on his blog that he transgresses a lot and that he should stick to it more blah, blah, blah. And that just made me angry. It makes me angry that people are so happy to hold the stick and lecture people who are on a diet. (This person who commented had yet to start the Dukan!)

Look, we ALL know that ice-cream, chocolate, fried foods, loads of pasta, sweets make us fat. None of us actually delude ourselves that we’re being healthy when we eat Pizza!! If it was so easy for us, NONE of us would be overweight!! Being overweight is WAY more than that, it’s a psychological thing, it’s an emotional thing…it is DEFINITELY not just about being motivated!

It makes me cross when people say, “Just don’t eat so much!”…they just have NO idea! Do you think it’s liberating for us when we eat ice-cream? Do you think that I thought, “Oh, ice-cream! Calcium!”…no, it is NOT like that. When I eat transgress and when I binge and I eat this, it’s never a “Oh my god, that’s so good” sort of feeling, it is filled with guilt and regret…but our mind is strong…and I can’t stop.

Oprah is the most successful woman in Showbiz…pretty significant when you see she had an abused childhood, she’s African-American, and if someone like Oprah, is battling with her weight, do you seriously think it’s just linked to motivation? Someone like Oprah to get where she did, would have had to be someone who is pretty driven and motivated. So for all those people out there who think it’s just about, ‘not eating so much’…maybe you should just keep your thoughts to yourself…cos it’s really not that easy.

We are all on our own weight loss journey, and it’s not easy…and what you say is not ‘constructive criticism’…you’re just judging.

Motivate Me Mondays

Posted in Diet Blog with tags , on August 30, 2010 by Dobsessed

My diets always seem to start on Mondays…so every Monday, I’m going to post something that will motivate me to keep going and not give up!!

In the whole of 2010, I don’t think my legs has seen the light of day (no…not even in summer). I’m either wearing jeans, long black pants, skirts that are over the knees with opaque tights or long maxi dresses. I hate my legs. I also don’t like my arms, but until they make nice looking ARM tights, they have to be subjected to the public eye unfortunately.

This dress (which I can’t afford at $550!!) would be something I would LOVE to wear WHEN I lose weight. It’s cute with a floaty skirt and look great with sandals at brunch or heels in the evening.

So, this is my Motivate Me Monday dress…what’s yours?

Week 5 on the Dukan Diet

Posted in Dukan Diet with tags , , on August 29, 2010 by Dobsessed

I keep losing my blog post!! And I think it’s the WordPress App I’m using! It’s like they don’t want me to write more than one post a day!! Cos I just wrote a mini goal post, and my week 5 post just disappeared!

Today’s weight: 71kg
Last week’s weight: 70.5kg
Thursday’s weight: 70kg!

A bit of an up and down thing this week, in terms of weight loss…ended on a weight gain…which is a bit disappointing. I can attribute it to a few things though:

– I’ve been sick, so have not been getting my usual daily walks of at least 35 minutes (I usually walk for 70 – 75 minutes a day), this week, I’ve only done ONE 35 minute walk
– I’ve been craving comfort food cos I’ve been sick, so I’ve had fried chicken and I’ve had McFlurries
– I’ve been at home, bored, doing nothing, so I’m constantly eating!
– Aunt Flo is visiting on Monday…

Measurements wise…I’ve gained an inch up top and two around my belly button!! I’m telling you, it’s water!! My hips, thighs and arms are unchanged though.

I kinda let this week’s weight get me down a bit…but I mustn’t when I think of all the good work I’ve done. I was 80kg in June…so even at my ‘heavy’ weight today I’ve lost 9kg!! I’ve lost 6kg since starting the Dukn Diet, which was only 5 weeks ago! I’m 3kg of reaching the weight I was back in January this year!

I only need to lose another 15kg…actually, I should cross that out. Having to lose another 15kg is not actually that encouraging…

Next week should boost a happy result…I’ve hardened my resolve, just need to get over this flu!

A mini goal by 17 September

Posted in Dukan Diet, Recipe with tags , , , on August 29, 2010 by Dobsessed

I have a goal weight in mind, and according to the Dukan Diet website, I will reach my ‘True Weight’ by the 23/11/10.

Recently, I’ve noticed that because November seems so far away (it is in terms of diet!) I can lose a bit of focus. I noticed that when I have my mini Milestones or mini goal weights, I seem a bit more focused. I was much more focused as I was approaching the 72kg mark after hovering over the 80kg mark. I don’t give myself a time limit though, which makes me a bit lazy sometimes and I’ll go and have a McFlurry, or have some fried chicken, whilst thinking…the Dukan is so great, even if you fall off the wagon, it’s so easy to get on the wagon again at the next stop.

Which is where I’m at now…I haven’t really quite fallen off the wagon and had a huge binge (just a mini one)…but I think it’s time I set my mini goals to a date, so that there’s a ‘sense of urgency’…sure, if I don’t hit that Milestone by that time, I’m not going to give up…but I think it’ll ensure that I stick with it more because it’ll seem closer than November at the end of the year!

So, thought I’d share my mini goals and dates with you.

So…I’m currently sitting at 71kg. I believe that I’m carrying a lot of water weight as I weighed 70kg a few days ago and my stomach is a lot bloated then they are usually. Also, once I get over this flu, I’m going to go back to my daily walks (I walk to work and back, and the trip is usually about 35 minutes each way) and I’ll also be going to my once a week personal training class on Friday. I’m also thinking of doing Pilates once a week (for posture improvement and core strengthening) and an additional boxing circuit class. I don’t consider my daily walks as that much exercise as it’s very much ingrained in my daily routine…so I’d only notice the boxing circuit and the Pilates.

My next Milestone is 68kg. I was 67-68kg at January this year and put on 12 or so kg in a 2 month period due to some meds I was taking…so reaching 68kg would be a huge deal for me.

Ideally, I would like to be 68 (or less!) by the 17th of September. 17th of September is my friend’s Hen’s night, and she wants us dressed up as bunnies! I’m sure no one likes a chubby bunny…so I’m going to be focused on THAT to lose the remaining 2-3kg.

Things I’ll do between now and then (starting tomorrow – Monday hehe):
– Only one fruit yoghurt a day
– Only 1 Skinny Cow ice-cream or sundae a week (I’ve been eating one or two of these daily)
– Have a White Day once a week (over a usual PP day)
– Either a one hour walk or Pilates on at least ONE Saturday or Sunday (I usually get no exercise on the weekends).

I think with these mini resolutions…I should reach my mini goal of 67 or 68kg by then.

Wish me luck x 🙂

Week 3 on the Dukan Diet

Posted in Diet Blog, Dukan Diet with tags , , , , on August 15, 2010 by Dobsessed

This week I lost: 2.5kg (5.5lbs). Total loss of 4.5kg since I started this diet! I reached my first Milestone! Gold Class Movie!! 😀

Lessons learnt from last week: Avoid eating out…no matter how ‘good’ you THINK you’re being…there’s hidden sugar, fat, salt in restaurant foods.

Next week’s resolution: Cut down on ‘tolerated’ foods and also try to avoid Skinny Cow ice-creams!

This is how my week went:

Day 15 – PV- no loss (still 1.5kg up!) – 80 minutes walk

I was undone by the weekend’s eating out I think. Even though I ‘thought’ I was following the diet, those sneaky restauranteers put stuff in the food that you think are OK (butter and
fat. 1g of fat = 9 calories). I ate at restaurants lots, but stuck with meat and vegetables and avoided breads (and it was hard)…but I still sustained a weight gain of 1.5 kg, and not just water cos it didn’t go…and I ate bunches of asparagus, and it didn’t go. Diets are hard :(. But I’ve learnt a valuable lesson…no more eating out, too much salt, fat and hidden carb and sugar content! Today I ate: oat bran porridge, 2 wedges of laughing cow cheese, 1 bowl of vanilla yoghurt (I’ve been getting Country Life cos it taste better, but I might revert back to Yoplait For Me), homemade meatballs in tomato sauce with cauliflower ‘rice’, 2 bunches of asparagus wrapped in ham, homemade meatloaf and cauliflower. Will I lose all that water??

Day 16 – PP – loss 0.5kg (total loss of 2.5kg) – exercise – none

No…it’s definitely not water. NO more eating out. Undone all the good work I did. Well, if I DO eat out…maybe it can only be sushi because when I do that, it seems to work ok. For those who read my earlier post, you’ll know I was undone by the best toasted sandwich ever (buttery, cheesy goodness)…this toastie also made me feel seriously ill (wheat and all) and made me bloat like crazy. As I was so queasy, I didn’t have much appetite for beef or heavy meat dishes (what’d I’d planned for dinner) so ended up eating a piece of barramundi and 6 or so green prawns cooked with a bit of curry sauce. I also had a Skinny Cow English Toffee Sunday, about 120 calories per serve, less than 10g of carbs and less than 3g of fat in a 100g serve. Not bad at all. Had a bit of a funny aftertaste but it was very smooth and creamy.

Day 17 – PV – loss 1.5kg(!!!) total loss of 4kg – exercise: none

I must’ve lost all the fluid that the salt made me retain after last weekend’s eating out sessions! Pretty chuffed with this result I must say as I was starting to feel a bit dejected with my lack of results. Oh yeah, in the Dukan Diet book, Dr Dukan says it’s ok to eat seafood extender/crab sticks so when I’d gone to Sizzler on the weekend, I ate plates of plates of them. Today, whilst at the shops, I looked at the ingredients of 3 different packs and all of them contained about 40% – 60% of wheat starch!! So nope, not falling for that again. Today I was on a cooking frenzy and made Baked Turkey Meatballs – by gentlemonkey and Spiced Cauliflower Soup. Today, I ate oatbran porridge, beef meatballs in tomato sauce, yum cha (various dumplings with the wrappers off), more beef meatballs in tomato sauce with cauliflower ‘rice’, a bowl of cauliflower soup and a double chocolate Skinny Cow Sundae (Yum, much better than English Toffee). More loss tomorrow?

Day 18 – PP – gained 1kg total loss 3kg – exercise: 80 minute walk
I had a client visit so I cheated and had a steak and mushroom pie from Syd’s Pies. I was starving and I didn’t have any other choice!! Here’s what I ate today: Oat bran porridge, 6 turkey meatballs (Gentlemonkey’s recipe, I adapted slightly by using Greek yoghurt instead of cottage cheese, slightly different proportions of ingredients and more onion…they were DELICIOUS!! Will be making them more often), a steak and mushroom pie for lunch. Dinner was steak with onions, mustard ham, a wedge of laughing cow cheese, and I also had yoghurt, coffee and an English toffee Skinny Cow Ice Block – Yum!

Day 19 – PV – lost 0.5kg (total loss 3.5kg) – exercise: 75 minute walk + 30 minutes weight training
Today I ate: Oatbran porridge, 2 wedges of laughing Cow cheese, (250g) of homemade turkey meatballs with tomato pasta sauce with cauliflower ‘rice’, a bowl of spiced cauliflower soup (yum), seafood marina mixed cooked in tomato pasta sauce with half a bag of baby spinach stirred through, TWO Skinny Cow ice blocks (BAD)…

Day 20 – PP – lost 1kg (total loss 4.5kg – new low weight!!) – exercise: none, so sore from weight training!
I stepped on the scales 3 times this morning to make sure it was registering the right weight…so hoping it’s right! Felt pleased enough to try a pair of jeans that I got in London 5 years ago (that became too big…and then became too tight for me to pull past my thighs!) The jeans fit me, I could button it…but my butt looked disgusting, like a lumpy, stretched bag full of marbles. A few more weeks of weight loss I think…
Today I had oat bran porridge for breakfast, a boiled egg and a bowl of non-fat vanilla yoghurt. I had some turkey meatballs and had lunch with some friends. Very restricted as we were in an Italian restaurant, so I broke my diet and had a mozzarella, tomato, basil salad with chicken (drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar). Dinner was a rump steak, thinly sliced stir fried with soy sauce, oyster sauce, xylitol, ginger and garlic and a huge plate of about 12 seared scallops with 3 quail eggs. Yummy…I also had 2 Skinny Cow ice blocks…need to stop chowing those down. Weekly weigh in tomorrow! I hope I register an overall weight loss despite today’s lunch and ice-creams!!

Day 21 – PV – lost 0kg (total weight loss 4.5kg) – exercise: 45 minute walk
Still feeling happy from yesterday’s weightloss, I knew today would be a difficult day. Breakfast was oatbran porridge and some yoghurt. I had lunch with my friend and I had a small plate of sashimi (not that small, about 12 pieces of raw fish), then I had agedashi tofu (lightly fried tofu) with a vegetarian sauce made from bamboo shoots and mushroom, sooo good. I was still hungry (or peckish) so I also ordered a plate of chicken karaage (fried chicken). I also had a Skinny Cow ice-cream and for dinner, we went out for my niece’s 1 month birthday. I ate crabs, a piece of duck – it was so good, some pork spare ribs, two pieces of fried chicken, a piece of fish, some veggies, some egg custard with scallops, Fried tofu with seafood sauce and some cabbage. Avoided the rice and avoided the desserts…not looking forward to tomorrow’s weigh in!

Week 2 on the Dukan Diet

Posted in Diet Blog, Dukan Diet, What I ate with tags , , on August 8, 2010 by Dobsessed

This week was a major up and down and I lost: 0kg

This is how my week went:

Day 8 – PP – lost 0.5kg

Refer to my Day 8 Post

Day 9 – PV – gained 0.5kg – exercise 100 minute walk

Today I had oat bran porridge, a 3 egg omelette, non-fat vanilla yoghurt and a coffee. I met up with a friend for lunch and I didn’t have a lot of selection, so I got a plate of deep fried tofu with bean sprouts and some lobak. Lobak is a Chinese/Malaysian/Singaporean dish which is basically like a big pork mince springroll wrapped in tofu skin, this is then deep friend and then sliced. I felt really sick after eating this, I think it’s the fact that I ate so much fat when I’ve had two weeks of eating low fat. I had another soy latte at around 3 for a perk up and for dinner I had homemade low-fat meat loaf (I made it without breadcrumbs and low-sodium tomato sauce and smokey bbq sauce), a bunch of asparagus (hoping to lose all the water I’m holding), half a grilled egg plant and a cup of cauliflower puree. I’ve been craving seet, so I got a Nestle diet chocolate mousse which is about 69 calories, only 1.5g of fat and 9.9g of carbs. Which probably IS high, but non-fat vanilla yogurt has the same number of carbs so I’ve decided that it’s OK.

Day 10 – PP- lost 0.5kg (total weight loss is now 3kg) – exercise 80 minute walk

Great day today, didn’t feel bloated, didn’t feel lethargic, didn’t have headaches and didn’t eat anything fatty. Breakfast was a 3-egg-white scramble with a bit of curry sauce, oat bran porridge and a coffee. This held me until about 10:30 and then I had a wedge of Laughing Cow light cheese as a snack. Lunch was a about 250g of pan fried calamari rings (bit too fishy for lunch) and some butter(less) Chicken that I made yesterday. Just ate the meat, left the sauce for my PV days. There was afternoon tea today, and I resisted the cupcakes, the crackers and the dip and had another wedge of Laughing Cow Light cheese with a teaspoon of cottage cheese. Dinner was a fairly big piece of barramundi, about 200 or 300g with sumac. I also made a white cream sauce with water, extra light philedelphia cream, and some verjuice, and reduced it…tasted really good with the fish. Yesterday, I’d made Dukan Chocolate Creme and so I had about one small scoops worth. I’d made it with xylitol and it was really good. Tonight, I broke out my ice-cream maker and made a vanilla creme (also with xylitol)…to die for.

Day 11 – PV- lost 0.5kg (total weight loss is 3.5kg) – exercise 70 minute walk

Yay…very happy about today’s loss, feeling good that I said no to the cupcake yesterday at work (gosh it was hard!). I had an easy food day, no temptation, no hunger and easy. Today I ate, oat bran porridge, a three-egg white omelette with curry sauce, a wedge of Laughing Cow Lite cheese, a bunch of asparagus wrapped with ham, a huge bowl of butter(less) chicken with green beans, latte, chai latte, a bowl of vanilla yogurt, 2 cups of cauliflower puree, meat loaf, half an eggplant and 1 cup of Dukan chocolate ice crème (homemade). I want to lose another 1kg by Sunday, is it achieveable?

Day 12 – PP- GAINED 1kg (total weight loss is 2.5kg) – exercise 40 minute walk + 30 minute cardio/boxing

Apparently not. I don’t get it. Unless the Butter(less) Chicken I made had too much fat/carb content? I didn’t put any butter or oils to cook it, I made it with yoghurt, no sugar…paprika is sweet, but really? 1kg weight gain? Or could it be the xylitol in the Dukan ice-cream? I don’t think that would be it, cos they day before I had that and I still lost weight. I even had asparagus!

Resolved, today I ate: Oat bran porridge, 3 egg-white omelette, 2 Laughing Cow light cheese, 1 roasted chicken breast quarter (no skin and no wings), 50g of shaved ham, 1 homemade rissole with low sodium tomato sauce, 2 lattes, 1 Nestle Diet chocolate mousse, 8 seared scallops, 200g Sumac dusted Barramundi, 5 chili and garlic prawns, 3 thing pieces of Vietnamese style pork, 1 cup of Dukan vanilla ice. My calves are an ABSOLUTE killer after walking 80 minutes in Vibram Five Fingers (first wear – it happens apparently)…I might go for a walk tomorrow morning, but I can barely walk now…so who knows?

Day 13 – PV – lost 1kg (total weight loss is 3.5kg) – exercise none

So, I’m thinking it might’ve been water yesterday and I’m back down again.  This weekend was hard…I had three birthdays to go to, and they were all out…so this was my Saturday: Breakfast was oatbran porridge and then lunch was at Sizzler.  I made sure I didn’t go overboard (or tried not to) and although it was hard, I stayed away from the potato skins, the cheese toast and the desserts, I had instead: 2 bowls of pumpkin soup, a huge plate of crab stick, beetroot, spinach, mushroom with taco beef sauce, bolognaise sauce.  I also had a Swiss grilled chicken with full fat swiss cheese and bacon.  A huge jug of coke zero was followed by a major headache.  Dinner was at Hog’s Breadth cafe, I had a steak with calamari, and ate all my vegies, but left all my curly fries (god, that was hard) and my carrots…there were also sticky date pudding abound, but I avoided those too.  That was probably the hardest because I made it!!  Oh yeah, had another Coke Zero at dinner and the headaches came back…definitely no more!

Day 14 – PP- gained 1.5kg (total weight loss is 2kg) – exercise none

…that’s right…I GAINED 1.5kg even though I avoided all the puddings that were in front of me and didn’t have any bread.  I did my weekly Sunday measurements, and despite the charts saying that my weight was the same as on Sunday, I’d lost 2 inches all over, but my belly had increased by 2 inches!  I figured it must be due to bloating and water retension from the salt content of eating out.  I have another birthday party today, lost of fatty, salty, carb-loaded, sugary party food (including a cake I made!) and tonight I have Thai planned…I just need to be careful and not lose control.  I’ll see what next week brings, but next week, I’m resolved to reduce my salt intake and ease off on the diet drinks and anything sweet.

Day 8 on the Dukan Diet, Cruise Phase – Pure Proteins

Posted in Diet Blog, Dukan Diet, What I ate with tags , , , , on August 2, 2010 by Dobsessed

Today’s weight gain/loss: lost 1kg (yaaay!)

Total weight loss: 3kg (That’s after 7 full days on the Dukan Diet! Very good result!)

Today’s exercise: 75 minute walk

Here’s my progress in a line graph (very consistent and not up and down like my first Dukan Diet effort).

I knew I was going to on holidays the first time I started the Dukan Diet, so I don’t think I was as committed, this time, I know it’s for the win, so I’ve been pretty focused and the results speak for themselves. My scales only shows increments of 0.5kg, but I’m sure that if it were more detailed, my graph probably wouldn’t plateau out. Pretty consistent though and 3kg in 1 week is an awesome result in my opinion!

All of last week and over the weekend, I was trying to achieve a successful dessert, but I’m still not there. I found a Dukan friendly strawberry cheesecake dessert online and tried it, it’s basically made with strawberry jelly lite and extra light cream cheese. For me, it just didn’t work, the flavours tasted very artificial and cloyingly sweet. I also didn’t like the texture, it set way to hard and was not a smooth creamy cheesecake for me. I’ll be experimenting more this week!

I also attempted a Dukan Diet chocolate cream, it was sort of a bit like a milky ice-block and would probably work quite well if I hadn’t used artificial liquid sweetener. It was saccharin, which I felt was sweet, but had a very acrid, bitter aftertaste. I recoiled and got goosebumps after tasting one teaspoon, and chucked the whole thing out. Even though xylitol is not zero calories (it is zero carbs), I will be using that next time…I’d rather that. At the end of the day, if it tastes bad, I just can’t do it.

I had a good start to the day (energywise), but at 3pm, I had a can of Coke Zero and promptly crashed. I didn’t even know you could crash from Coke Zero! I was nearly passed out at my desk and had to have a chicken leg to function again. I was also useless on the bus home and felt tired all day. I’m pretty sure it was the Coke that did it, so I’m going to stop drinking it and see if it affects my energy levels at that crazy 3 o’clock hour.

This is what I ate today:

– Oat bran porridge
– Latte

Morning tea
– Non-fat vanilla yoghurt
– Wedge of Laughing Cow Light cheese

– Cacchiatore chicken thigh
– 6 scallop sashimi
– 2 pieces of seared salmon & 2 pieces of seared scallops (sushi sized)
– Small plate of salt and pepper octopus

Afternoon tea
– Cacchiatore chicken thigh

– 2 homemade rissoles with fried egg and tomato sauce

I also spent all night cooking for tomorrow’s Protein & Vege day, will post one of my favorite no fat, healthy side – Cauliflower puree tomorrow 🙂